Wallpaper production
One of the most important components of decoration work and interior design is the right choice of quality and aesthetic finishing materials. The decor of the wall surfaces has a significant influence on the general concept of a residential or commercial space. Despite the appearance of new interior trends, the most popular wall decoration materials are traditional wallpaper and stucco. But even a large selection on the market of décor materials do not allow you to quickly find suitable wallpaper for the general style of the room. It is for these situations and there is an individual production of wallpaper, which allows you to create a uniquedecor materialfor reasonable money.
Filling the gap in the market of individual solutions, our company offers the production of wallpaper with a unique design. At our customers’ disposal there is a large selection of basic materials that allow any image, pattern, photo, reproduction to be printed to the wallpaper. In addition to the catalog of standard solutions, we can create an absolutely unique product, drawing on the development of our experienced designers. We have a large selection of colors and textures of wallpaper materials, and we are able to produce wallpaper with specific requirements. For example, our manufactureallows you to make wallpaper with high level of fire and environmental safety.
Modernwallpaper manufacture is an opportunity to obtain high quality products with individual technical and aesthetic characteristics for residential and commercial premises. Our decor materials can change the appearance of any space, and their cost will not affect the increase in the total cost. The scope of our products — apartments and country houses, restaurants and fast food establishments, cafes and clubs, offices, service enterprises and educational institutions. Wherever a high-quality individual solution is required, our wallpaper production easily copes with the task. Combining uniqueness, quality, accessibility and high aesthetics, our proposal will be interesting to all the supporters of individuality and beauty.